The Ikarus Observatory solar rig has 4 separate solar telescopes with one fitted with a Rotarion Solar to change between 4 different Quarks!
William Optics FLT120 (120mm, 780mm focal length, f/6.5 triplet)
Starfield 102mm ED Doublet (102mm, 714mm focal length, f/7)
StellaMira 90mm Triplet (90mm 540mm focal length, f/6) fitted with a DayStar Ha Quark Chromosphere
StellaMira 66mm Doublet with a Lunt 40mm ERF (400mm f/6) fitted with a DayStar Ha Quark Chromosphere
iOptron CEM120
Customised Deep Sky Dad Flip-Flats with DayStar Flat Caps
ZWO ASI183MM for White Light with Lunt Hershel Wedge, ZWO EAF Focuser.
JTD Dual Adjustable Saddle
Astro Essentials Finder Scope with ZWO ASI120MM Mini and 3D Printed White Light Filter / Holder
Lakeside Motor Focus
Rotarion fitted with DayStar Quark Ha, Sodium, Magnesium and Calcium and a ZWO ASI174MM
90mm Triplet fitted with a ZWO ASI174MM
Double stacked 66mm fitted with a ZWO ASI1600MM
Beelink MiniPC
Hitec Astro Mount Hub Pro
Pegasus USB 3 Hub
Lots of Lynx Astro and Lindy cables!
Nevada PSU